Fat Cavitation


Get the body shape of your dreams.

Instantly lose centimetres and say goodbye to stubborn excess fat deposits with our new Fat Cavitation treatment. A convenient, non-invasive, and effective body contouring alternative to liposuction with immediate results.


Recommended For

Perfect for areas such as the stomach, buttocks, and thighs, our Fat Cavitation Body Treatment will eliminate centimetres from those tricky ‘problem’ areas and is the perfect complement to a healthy diet and lifestyle, in reaching your beauty goals.


What To Expect

Sculpted body contour
Weight loss
Smoother skin tone
Eliminated fatty deposits
Firmer skin
Assist body in fat cell metabolization
Reduced body mass
Increased blood flow
Fast-tracked fitness goals

How it works

Let go of what no longer serves you.

Using low-level ultrasound, our revolutionary new Fat Cavitation body treatment targets unwanted fat cells by releasing stored fat and fatty acids from below the outer layers of skin. These excess fat cells are then metabolised into energy, allowing your body to turn the unwanted fat cells into something wonderful for your body.



Start loving your body.

Once cleared with us that Fat Cavitation Body Treatment is right for you and your body goals, you can come ready to transform. To promote proper drainage and healing after your treatment, we recommend drinking plenty of water and avoid alcohol. Boost your results with daily exercise and a healthy diet.


Frequently Asked Questions

Sessions will depend on your personal body goals which we can discuss during your initial consultation.

Initial results can be immediate, with the final results appearing after several sessions.

Each session will be between 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on treatment area.

Coupled with regular maintenance and a healthy diet and lifestyle, results can continue to give you your dream body long-term.

Some clients experience some redness and tenderness on or around the treatment area following each session, which typically resolves itself within a couple of hours. In some cases, bruising can occur over the area; however, you can continue with your regular activities.

Body cavitation is not suitable for people with serious health concerns, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or anyone with medical implants. Please raise any medical issues you have during your initial consultation so that we can provide the safest possible treatment for you.

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